Micro ATM

Micro ATM

MATM is a mobile type Device which is used for Cash Withdrawal from User’s Bank Accounts. It has services like balance enquiry like bank atm . MATM has helped millions of rural customers without physical ATM access for Cash Withdrawal.

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  • Allows the users to withdraw cash and look for balance inquiries from any shop.
  • Sahaj Mitr earns commissions on each successful mATM transaction.
  • Solves cash problems for your customers..
  • Important for rural businessmen who need Cash for daily business..
  • Important as it is not a location constraint like an ATM.
  • Important in areas where ATM facility is not available.


  • Micro ATM machines smoothen the process of financial inclusion in the country.
  • Rural folks are earning by offering the service of cash withdrawal through micro atm machines.
  • Micro ATMs have made life easy by making banking facilities available to everyone from their nearest retail outlet

Frequently Answered Questions

  • 01

    Is there any Money Withdrawal limit in Micro ATM?

  • 02

    If an SM already has a PAXD180 or a Morefun MP63 device, can be on-boarded?

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